Private companies and public institutions that have open and practical questions in the field of digital sustainability should benefit from the cooperation with TEWI. The association is not only independent of IT suppliers, distributors or manufacturers, but also has a well-founded and up-to-date specialist knowledge, due to the link with the Institute Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern.
The numerous members of the TEWI, more precisely SMEs distributed throughout the canton of Valais, private individuals and municipalities, represent a large network. These extensive resources enable the TEWI to make various publications and works available to the public within the framework of practical projects. The research projects are primarily intended to show what potentials arise in peripheral regions through new technologies and their applications. Contacts with the economy and the authorities of the Upper Valais within the TEWI network are the basis for practice-oriented research and support entrepreneurial innovations in the field of business informatics.
Private companies and public institutions that have consulting needs in information technology and organisational areas should benefit from cooperation with the TEWI. The TEWI offers companies the opportunity to have a practice-oriented problem solved by students of the University of Bern within the framework of a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. Further information is available under practice-oriented work.

In addition, workshops and presentations in the field of digital sustainability can be booked. TEWI regularly presents its research results at conferences and events, to which other speakers from science and practice are also invited. The TEWI workshop deserves special mention. At regular intervals, the TEWI invites speakers to a workshop in the field of business informatics, such as Smart Region Wallis, Smart Cities, Digital Society, Open Source, Open Data and Open Government. For more information, see Activities.
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