In 2013, a caesura has once again taken place at the Business Informatics Technology Centre (TEWI). In accordance with the personnel policy of our research network, the position of managing director is filled by an academic staff member who is doing a doctorate in the course of his or her work at the University of Bern. It is in the nature of things that these staff members move into business or continue their academic career elsewhere after graduation. Marcel Grüter has now also successfully completed his doctorate and moved into practice. What is good from the economic perspective of our country because of the urgently needed new blood in business informatics, means for TEWI that the position of managing director must be filled. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in filling this position seamlessly, so this position is vacant for the time being. Changes are also on the horizon with regard to the composition of the Executive Board.
The indicated personnel changes do not mean that the TEWI is inactive. Due to the network character of our research unit, we can draw on various personnel resources and thus fulfil our purpose as an association. I see an interesting cross-connection with the newly founded Research Center for Digital Sustainability at the University of Bern. The holder of the post, Dr. Matthias Stürmer, supported the work of the TEWI on various occasions in 2013, including the organisation of the 18th TEWI Forum on the topic of “Yes we Scan – Big Brother on the Internet”. Specific research work related to Valais in the current research areas of open data and open source is being clarified.
Finally, I would like to point out that in the course of the year, Fabienne Schmid, a “real” Valaisan, joined us, who also guarantees in terms of personnel that TEWI continues to have a solid footing in the canton. I hope that you will continue to be with us in the coming year and would be pleased to meet you on one occasion or another.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Myrach, President TEWI
Read the full activity report 2013.