Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf turns into a blossom.
With the move back into the newly renovated offices at Engehaldestrasse 8, a breath of fresh air is also blowing through the corridors for the TEWI. After the renovation phase from 2021-2022, the Technology Centre for Business Informatics is finally back at its actual location in Bern.
In view of the spatial changes, there was also a change of address in Brig at the TEWI. P.O. Box 676 in Brig was closed and reopened at the postal address of the Fernfachhochschule (FFHS) in Brig at Schinerstrasse 18.
There is also a new wind in our presidium. Dr Oliver Kamin, a long-standing member of the TEWI, is stepping down from his post. During his years in the presidium he has always positively influenced and enriched the TEWI. We thank him and wish him all the best for the future.
His place on the Executive Board has been extended to two places. Dr. Tobias Häberlein and Stefan Eggel, M.Sc. will fill them. We welcome both of them and wish them all the best for their start.
The TEWI team wishes you a wonderful autumn semester 2022. Stay healthy and enjoy the autumnal weather.
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